Introduction to Print Making

10:00am — 4:00pm

Introduction to Print Making Workshop

Introduction to Print Making

In this fun workshop, you will learn the basic principles of two different printmaking techniques. 

By the end of the day you will have:

  • Learned about the materials and equipment for lino and one other printmaking technique.  
  • Studied a range of examples for inspiration
  • Created a set of printed images to take home with you
  • Understood the health and safety implications when working with Lino cutting tools.

Workshop tickets are £70. Please book by contacting Sabina at 


Sabina is a fully-qualified art teacher. The bulk of her teaching experience before having her own children was in secondary school and 6th form college, where Sabina taught Art and Design, Fine Art, Graphics and Textiles. 

These days, Sabina teaches younger children (age 7 to 12) at a local art club that she has set up. Sabina teaches both face-to-face and online. She also teaches adult art and printmaking workshops, held during the day and in the evenings.  

You can find out more on her Facebook page here

In addition to teaching, Sabina is a practising illustrator, constantly creating and developing her own skills. You can see examples of her own work on her instagram page here