Plumpton College celebrates student success

  • August 2023
results day

Our college goes from strength to strength, with an increasing number of students achieving fantastic results in their level 3 courses, all of which are equivalent to three A levels enabling them to progress on to the next level of study at university or directly into their chosen career across the land and environment sector.

Our students aged 16-19, received Level 3 BTEC and City & Guilds qualifications (3 A Level equivalent) with an overall pass rate of 95.5% exceeding the national average of 93.1%. 100% pass rates were in Agriculture, Blacksmithing and Metalworking, Equine Management, Forestry and Arboriculture.  

28% of students received Distinction or Distinction* in qualifications equivalent to an A grade with ten students studying the BTEC Level 3, Extended Diploma in Animal Management achieving three distinction stars equivalent to three A* grades, resulting in students progressing on to university to study subjects like Veterinary Medicine and the college’s degree courses in Animal Conservation and Welfare and Veterinary Nursing & Veterinary Physio. 

Jeremy Kerswell, principal of Plumpton College, says: We are extremely proud of our students’ achievements and wish them all the best in their next steps, whether that’s progressing on to university, taking up an apprenticeship or employment in their chosen career. I’d also like to thank our amazing staff for their continued commitment to our student’s education. Importantly, students gaining qualifications and highly developed skills in the land and environment sector will be at the forefront of the green economy, working in conservation, developing sustainable solutions to meet the needs of a changing world.  


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