
Community Outreach

One Garden Brighton supports the local community to build skills and inspire sustainable change. We are a space for local people to connect and enjoy nature. We welcome community groups to use the gardens and historic buildings for their events and workshops, as well as utilising our expert teams to learn more about the benefits of being in a green space.

Use the boxes below to discover our current community offer, including garden tours, free activities and resources, community event spaces and outreach programmes for schools. 

Activities and resources

Please download our free resource packs throughout the year to do a self-led activity around the garden.

Download the Pollinator Garden pack 

Primary School Outreach

One garden are proud to work with Schools Without Walls who specialise in high quality learning outside of the classroom for all, offering a wide range of creative learning opportunities to connect with nature, be more active, be creative and have fun. they offer activity days for EYFS up to KS2 using the beautiful walled garden and surrounding woodland.

For more info, email Schoolswithoutwalls@sosussex.co.uk

There is an opportunity for KS2 to visit and experience One Garden Brighton, however, the sessions will be led by the schools themselves. Please get in touch with schoolsliaison@plumpton.ac.uk

Secondary Schools Outreach

We can provide a range of curriculum-based workshops focusing on the relevance of the school curriculum in horticulture. 

Find out more here.



Community Newsletter

Sign up to our community newsletter to hear about volunteering opportunities and outreach events.