National Apprenticeship Week at One Garden Brighton

  • February 2022
Cecelia Apprentice at One Garden Brighton

It's National Apprenticeship Week at One Garden Brighton

National Apprenticeship Week 2022 is the 15th annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships. The week brings together businesses and apprentices across the country to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make on individuals, businesses and the wider economy. 

The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2022 will be 'build the future'; reflecting on how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career, and businesses to develop a talented workforce that is equipped with future-ready skills.

One Garden Brighton is proudly managed by Plumpton College, a leading land and environment college in the South East, who fully supports building futures with apprenticeship programmes in a range of in-demand land-based industries. 

An apprenticeship is a real job that combines hands-on work with the opportunity to train and develop your skills, knowledge and behaviours in your chosen profession. An apprenticeship works on a hybrid model of working, so approximately 20% of your week will be spent studying at Plumpton College and gaining the theory basics you'll need and you will then put this into action at your employer workplace for the remainder of your week. The fast pace of putting your knowledge directly into industry workplaces is the winning prize with an apprenticeship, you learn whilst you work, plus you are earning a salary. If you want to discover a range of apprenticeship vacancies with Plumpton College, visit

One Garden Brighton and Plumpton College

The partnership between Plumpton College and One Garden Brighton works hand in hand for the Level 3 Horticulture Apprenticeship. One Garden Brighton works as the employer for the practical elements within the commercial walled garden, whilst Plumpton College is the home of horticulture theory-based studying. Currently, we have two level 3 horticulture apprentices working alongside our garden team, Hannah and Cecelia. They both work 5 days a week, with 20% of that studying, and the rest getting hands-on keeping the walled garden in tip-top shape and prepped for the upcoming seasons. 

One Garden Brighton is the centre of excellence in horticulture and is bursting with innovative ways to keep horticulture current and progressive, being an ideal place to start a horticulture career. There is a lot of change taking place within the walled garden introducing futuristic horticulture technologies, and our level 3 apprentices will be first to get involved and learn industry-leading techniques. 

Visit our Instagram channel to find out more about what Hannah and Cecelia get up to on a day-to-day basis at One Garden Brighton. 

To discover a wider range of apprenticeship programmes, visit or follow them on Instagram for webinars all about apprenticeships. Plus, Plumpton College runs a Talent Bank service, which helps match you to an employer to kick start your apprenticeship journey. 

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