Garden becomes Brighton Living Wage Employer

  • March 2022

One Garden Brighton is delighted to announce it has committed to the Brighton Living Wage from 1st March, one month ahead of the new rate change due 1st April.  

Launched in 2012, the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign aims to encourage local businesses to voluntarily pay all employees the real Living Wage instead of the government’s national minimum.  

Set independently and updated annually, the Living Wage is calculated according to the basic cost of living in the UK and is the amount that allows a person to live a decent life and not just survive. The new rate is announced every November during Living Wage week and businesses are given until 1st April to implement the new rate which is currently £9.90 per hour. 

The campaign is led and managed by Brighton Chamber, with over 780 businesses, social enterprises, charities and public sector organisations signed up.  

Director of One Garden Brighton and Finance Director for the wider Plumpton College Group Chris Knell shared:  

“We want to support our staff to be the best they can be at work and home, and that’s also about making a commitment to paying our team members a wage which allows them to thrive. With the cost of living continuing to rise, and the challenges the hospitality sector has faced over the pandemic we want to recognise the commitment and dedication of our staff to make One Garden Brighton a great place to work and visit.”  

One Garden Brighton is a free to enter destination garden, a place to connect with nature and discover something different every day.The project was developed and now managed by Plumpton College, leading regional college for land and environment education, who have also committed to award staff a 4% cost of living increase this April. We have a great range of careers available both at Plumpton College and One Garden Brighton.  

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